Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015

Dressings and Diapers for the Chunmiao Orphanage.

        We handed over Preemie Diapers donated by the Company TZMO Germany and  Dressings donated by the Company Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH, Germany.
We say thank you to both Companies for their generous donations and Support!

www.lohmann-rauscher.de/                 www.tzmo.de/

Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015

Toys for Sun Village- donated by Delta- Sport !

Who are the children of Sunvillage?
Sunvillage is dedicated to the children of Chinese convicts and fights for their survival and development.
The children of Chinese convicts do not qualify for social welfare from the government. They get left behind by their parents without any money or education and worst of all, without any parental love. 
At the same time they can receive unfavourable treatment in society due to their family background. On their own, the children would be left without shelter: Some would work as shepherds, some would beg for money and food, and many would be abandoned and possibly abused by their relatives.
Given this situation, its not surprising that some children may turn to crime, just as their parents have done. At Sunvillage, we accommodate these children before its too late and bring them into a stable and loving family.
It is estimated that about 90% of These children live unsupervised in streets, abandoned, leave on their own. The Sun Village in Beijing currently cares for 100 children, including 20 Babies. The children of the criminal parents come in no government Orphanages and be rejected by the family, because they mean disgrace and bring evil (the faith of the family).
It is Heartbreaking. They all  Need help!
Here is a Link to a TV Docu (Chinese, German) which Show the Work of the Sun Village.
( Be Careful: Graphic Content and sometimes hard to watch, about 40 min.)
We Thank Delta- Sport  Handelskontor GmbH for the donated Toys for the Children!
See here Pictures from the Happy Faces after Delivery of the Toys.




Montag, 24. August 2015

Thank you Family Bohnsack!

                                         We say Thank you for the Donations- Family Bohnsack!!!!

                                    And Thank you Sebastian and your entire Team, that  you have carried the Donations to the  Orphanage!








Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

Thank you Donath Family & Baby Nova!

Thanks to Family Donath for the donated Baby Clothes and to the Company "Baby Nova/ Novatex GmbH" for the donated Baby Bottles.



Sonntag, 5. April 2015

Handover Pictures, April 2015

Thanks to all Sponsors!

Preemie Diapers




                         Spezial shoes for children with Club feet Treatment, donated by Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH


Bandages/ Wundcare Products, donated by Lohmann & Rauscher GmbH

                    Baby Bottles, donated by Baby Nova/ Novatex GmbH

Dienstag, 31. März 2015

Medela Bili Bed - Part 2 / English & German Language

Part II
Baby Kang
Erinnert ihr euch noch an den kleinen Kang, der hier als erstes Baby das Medela Bili Bed nutzt?
Darüber hatten wir bereits in unserem ersten Blog von Medela berichtet.
Ihr seht jetzt weiter unten neue Bilder und auf denen sehr ihr Baby Kang, wie groß er geworden ist, das Baby mit dem grauen Strampler.
Baby Shu ist neu im Waisenheim angekommen, ein Frühchen mit einem auffälligen Herzgeräusch und sie leidet an Gelbsucht. Sie benutzt jetzt als zweites Baby das Bili Bed und Baby Kang sagt kurz Hallo zu Shu.
Danke an Medela und alles Gute für Baby Shu.
Do you remember tiny Preemie Baby Kang, who uses this Bed as the first Baby in the orphanage? See Picture above!

We had already reported in our first blog about Baby Kang and the brandnew donated Bili bed.

You can see now  how much Baby Kang has changed!
( See Pictures below the Baby in the Grey bodysuit/romper.)

Baby Shu is newly arrived at the orphanage, a premature baby with a heart murmur and she is suffering from jaundice. Baby Shu now use as a second baby the Bili Bed and Baby Kang says hello to little Shu.

Thanks to Medela and all the best for Baby Shu.

Baby Shu

                                                              Baby Shu and Baby Kang

                                                                     Baby Shu and Baby Kang